
2015年2月9日—Hello,Youcanuseadiscrete(categorical)variableasadepedantvariable,butyouhavetospecifyanon-linearmodel(nottopretendthatthe ...,2012年5月14日—Adependentvariablecandefinitelybecategoricalandhavemultiplelevels.Theselevelsmaybeordinalornot(briefly,itisordinalif ...,Instatistics,acategoricalvariable(alsocalledqualitativevariable)isavariablethatcantakeononeofalimited,andusuallyfixed,numbe...

can a categorical variable be the dependent ...

2015年2月9日 — Hello, You can use a discrete (categorical) variable as a depedant variable, but you have to specify a non-linear model (not to pretend that the ...

Categorical dependent variable in between subject design

2012年5月14日 — A dependent variable can definitely be categorical and have multiple levels. These levels may be ordinal or not (briefly, it is ordinal if ...

Categorical variable

In statistics, a categorical variable (also called qualitative variable) is a variable that can take on one of a limited, and usually fixed, number of ...

Chapter 8 Categorical Dependent Variables

This set of models is designed for looking at dichotomous dependent variables – variables with only 2 possible outcomes. These types of outcomes are of the sort ...

Choosing the Correct Type of Regression Analysis

You can choose from many types of regression analysis. Learn which are appropriate for dependent variables that are continuous, categorical, and count data.


Suppose we have data on three mutually exclusive levels of work force attachment: out-of-the-labor force, unemployed and employed. These data are categorical ...

Introduction to Categorical Variables

2021年3月9日 — A categorical variable is a discrete variable that captures qualitative outcomes by placing observations into fixed groups (or levels). The ...

Regression with Categorical Dependent Variables

This page presents regression models where the dependent variable is categorical, whereas covariates can either be categorical or continuous, ...

Types of Variables in Research & Statistics

2022年9月19日 — Variables can be defined by the type of data (quantitative or categorical) and by the part of the experiment (independent or dependent).

Understanding the different types of variable in statistics

Finally, we explain how variables can be characterised as either categorical or continuous. Dependent and Independent Variables. An independent variable, ...